This April, first and second year students as well as faculty members of the MSNE met at the Networking Workshop of TU Munich’s Center of Competence in Neuroengineering.
Event agenda
14:00 Introductory remarks by Prof. Gordon Cheng Chair for Cognitive Systems (TUM)
14:10-14:30 Prof. Ilona Grunwald Kadow Neuronal Circuits and Metabolism, School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan (TUM) “Asking the fly to reveal neural network principles underlying behavior”
14:30-14:50 Prof. Markus Ploner Heisenberg Professor of Human Pain Research, Department of Neurology, School of Medicine (TUM) “Neuroengineering approaches to the understanding, diagnosis and therapy of pain”
14:50-15:10 Prof. Bernhard Wolfrum Neuroelectronics, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (TUM) “On-chip stimulation of cardiac networks”
15:10-15:30 Prof. Stefan Glasauer Center for Sensorimotor Research, Department of Neurology (LMU) “Probabilistic modeling to understand human perception in health and disease”
15:30-15:50 Presentations by MSNE students
16:00 Poster Session
Posters presented by MSNE Students
- Berberich N, Diepold K VirtuousAI: An apprenticeship learning approach for building moral machines
- Schneider S, Ecker A, Gjorgjieva J, Bethge M Domain Adaptation in Brains and Machines
- Bashiri M The Effect of Non-invasive Deep Brain Stimulation Using Temporal Interference: A Computational Study
- Asahqar A, Sirota A, Schwesig G Slow Oscillation Detection in Rat’s Entorhinal Cortex